Public Notices

Public Notices

Browse the options below to explore public notices, documents, and contacts.

Charter schools are not allowed to discourage a pupil from enrolling or seeking to enroll in a charter school because the pupil exhibits any characteristics such as students with disabilities, academically low-achieving, English learners, neglected or delinquent, homeless, socially economically disadvantaged, foster youth, or based on nationality, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Charter schools are not allowed to request a pupil’s records before enrollment or encourage a child who is enrolled in a charter school to disenroll or transfer to another school. A parent, guardian, or pupil (18 years or older) may file a Charter School Complaint Form to the authorizing entity if they suspect the charter school is in violation of Education Code (EC)Section 47605(d)(4).

Charter School Complaint Notice and Form

Visit our English Learners page for more information about the English Learner Advisory Committee including upcoming meeting dates!

“The Education Protection Account (EPA) provides local educational agencies (LEAs) with general-purpose state aid funding pursuant to Proposition 30, The Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act of 2012, approved by the voters on November 6, 2012. The EPA funding is a component of an LEA’s total revenue limit or charter school general purpose entitlement.” (Retrieved from the California Department of Education website.)

Audeo Valley EPA FY 24-25 (pdf)

Audeo Valley EPA FY 23-24 (pdf)

Audeo Valley EPA FY 22-23 (pdf)

Audeo Valley EPA FY 21-22 (pdf)

Beginning the 2015–2016 school year, California public schools were required under AB 2706 to provide information to families about their health coverage opportunities and enrollment assistance. By providing families an opportunity to access health coverage information from schools, this legislation aims to reduce the number of eligible but uninsured children. Our goal is to support and increase the number of students and families who enroll in health coverage. Please contact your student’s Resource Center Teacher and/or Nurse for questions about starting the health care coverage application process.

For more information, go to
Para más información, visite

Family resources are updated on the For Families resource page. Visit:

Immigration status information is kept private, protected, and secure.  It will not be used by any immigration agency to enforce immigration laws, but only to determine eligibility for health programs.

*Reference: All In: Health Care for All Families/A Project of The Children’s Partnership

ALL IN for Health informational flyer (English and Spanish)

Important information regarding confidential student data

There is ongoing litigation between the California Department of Education and the Concerned Parent Association. A notice issued by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson states, “The lawsuit accuses CDE of widespread, systemic non-compliance by local educational agencies with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504. The CDE denies these allegations and is actively defending the litigation.”

The court has ordered CDE to release student and parent information to provide personally identifiable information (PII) – an act that can only be taken as an exception to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). As a result, we are providing notice of the court order and directions to anyone wishing to object.

Please be advised that CDE will notify parents or students of whom are required to disclose information and those individuals may object directly to the court regarding this disclosure using the PDF links below:

Objection to Disclosure of Student Information and Records (PDF)

Objeción a la Publicación de Información y Registros Estudiantiles (PDF)

As an independent study program, Audeo Valley enrolls students throughout the year.  The school works to accommodate all students who wish to enroll.  In the instance that more students wish to enroll than availability allows, the school will use a public random drawing.

Applications will be accepted during a publicly advertised open application period each year for enrollment in the following school year. Following the open enrollment period each year, applications will be counted to determine whether any grade level has received more applications than availability. In the event that this happens, Audeo Valley shall hold a public random drawing to determine enrollment for the impacted grade level, with the exception of existing students, who are guaranteed enrollment in the following school year.

Admission preferences in the case of a public random drawing shall be as follows:

  1. Students currently attending Audeo Valley
  2. Residents of the Moreno Valley Unified School District
  3. Siblings of existing students of Audeo Valley
  4. All other students

At the conclusion of the public random drawing, all students who were not granted admission due to capacity shall be given the option to put their name on a waiting list according to their draw in the lottery. This waiting list shall allow students the option of enrollment if an opening occurs during the current school year at their grade level. In no circumstance shall a waiting list carry over to the following school year.  Public random drawing rules, deadlines, dates, and times shall be communicated in the application form and on the Audeo Valley website.

Restraint and Seclusion Data reported to the CDE can be found here.

Resource Center Supervision Policy

 The purpose of the Resource Center Supervision Policy is to ensure the safety and supervision of all students while at the resource centers between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on regularly scheduled school days, Monday through Friday.

All staff will be responsible for the supervision of students at all times while inside the school’s resource centers.  A designated supervisor(s) will always be present at each resource center while the resource center is serving students.

All school staff is trained in:

  • School Supervision
  • First Aid
  • Health Emergencies
  • Bullying: Recognition & Response
  • Child Protective Services
  • Blood Borne Pathogens
  • Mental Health

The school shall not be responsible for the supervision of students outside of a resource center.

All staff will refer injuries to the School Coordinator.

Campus incidents will be recorded on a School Incident/Accident Report Form and will be followed up by staff where appropriate.

The Resource Center Supervision Policy will be reviewed annually by the school administration team and ratified by the school’s Board of Directors.

The executive summary of the School Accountability Report Card is intended to provide parents and community members with a quick snapshot of information related to individual public schools.

Hard copies of the school’s SARC report are available upon request.

2023-2024 Audeo Valley SARC

2022-2023 Audeo Valley SARC

2021-2022 Audeo Valley SARC

SELPA Public Hearing:

Thursday, May 25, 2023  |  Notice: ENGLISH | Notice: SPANISH

El Dorado SELPA CEO Council Meeting Agenda – English

For further SELPA Governance information, please visit the El Dorado Charter SELPA website at

SELPA Resources for Parents:

Community Advisory Committee Meeting Information (Comité Consultivo de la Comunidad)  |  English  | Spanish

Virtual Meeting Dates (Via Zoom):

April 23, 2024
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Register to join the Virtual Meeting

For more information and resources, please visit

Community Advisory Committee Parent Handbook – English (pdf)

Community Advisory Committee Parent Handbook – Spanish (pdf) [Comité Consultivo de la Comunidad]

The School Site Council (SSC) is a decision-making group that provides oversight on matters dealing with Federal and State-funded programs.

SSCs provide oversight of the academic planning and budgeting process associated with school planning in order to meet the needs of all students. SSCs provide meaningful consultation with the school’s administrator to oversee the implementation, monitoring, and revision of school plans, including reviewing and analyzing data; consulting with advisory groups; evaluating programs and activities, and allocating the expenditure of funds available to the school through categorical programs.

Audeo Valley Charter School’s SSC is comprised of teachers, staff, students, and parents, who are selected by each of their constituent groups annually.

Meeting Agendas

December 19, 2024

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects individuals from discrimination based on sex in any educational program or activity operated by recipients of federal financial assistance.

Audeo Valley Charter School is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination based on sex and provides a number of resources and services to assist students, faculty, and staff in addressing issues involving sex discrimination.

Please visit the CDE USDE Office for Civil Rights (Gender Equity/Title IX) webpage for additional information.

Elizabeth Orona has been designated as the Title IX coordinator for Audeo Valley Charter School.  You may contact her at any time by calling 858-678-2050 or email at

Title IX Training Materials 


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